Part of the journey is the end. – Tony Stark. We are all going to lose whatever we have built on earth when we die. Before that, we need to be ready. Design and prepare you Death Dossier soon, or else, you can be setting up your heirs for frustration and financial pain. THE ESSENTIALS…
Family Medicine Specialty is the Way to Go Right Now
If you are a newly passed physician in the Philippines, in my humble opinion, Family Medicine is the hot Specialty to take right now. Let me tell you the reason why. With the recent passing of the Universal Health Care Law (UHC), one of the major changes that will be implemented is this: …
How To Know If You Are Qualified To Receive SSS Maternity Benefits
Hi Dra. Pinky, I am 2 months pregnant as of the moment. Will I be qualified to get in getting the maternity benefit if I gave birth on April 2020? Answer: SSS Rules state that: The maternity benefit is offered only to female SSS members. A member is qualified to avail of this benefit…
5 Reasons Why You Need To Have Green Book For Doctors (Second Edition) Even If You Already Have The First Edition
Green Book For Doctors (Second Edition) is out! Thank you for the patience of all those who waited when Green Book For Doctors (First Edition) went out of stock. This time, Green Book For Doctors (Second Edition) is BIGGER and BETTER. Here are the 5 reasons why you may want…
Digitalization: Filipino Doctors, Are We Ready?
Jim was an elderly patient suffering from emphysema. He lived some distance from the nearest hospital and couldn’t easily see a doctor, and he was rushed to the hospital once or twice a month when symptoms of his chronic lung condition flared up, putting a heavy strain on him and his family. Then Jim’s life…
How to File your SAWT as Attachment for your Quarterly Income Tax Return
SAWT or also known as Summary Alphalist of Withholding Tax at Source serves as a consolidated alphalist of withholding agents from whom income was received and are subjected to withholding agents in the process. Who needs to file SAWT? This needs to be submitted by the payee as an attachment when filing tax returns on…
How to Build Your Wealth Using Other People’s Money
Being the breadwinner or a sole financial provider is not a choice especially in these hard and trying times. As we start families of our own, the reality can be harsh: It feels nearly impossible to make ends meet on a single income or even with a double income. Thus, many providers get more…
How to be a Responsible Credit Card Holder
Getting a credit card is easy but being responsible in using it is quite a challenge. Everyone loves that giddy high of a good card splurge but here are things you need to know to steer clear of debt pitfalls. 1. Know your credit limit. Ranging from a few thousands or more, how you…