Do you know that the most valuable hours are 5 am – 8 am? They have the least interruptions, according to Robin Sharma.
There is increasing evidence that the early bird gets much more than the worm. Here are the key advantages you are about to experience if you wake up at 5 am every morning taken from the book “Miracle Morning Millionaires, What the Wealthy Do Before 8 am that will make you Rich”
You’ll be more proactive and productive.
Christoph Randler is a professor of biology at the Heidelberg University of Education in Heidelberg, Germany. In the July 2010 issue of Harvard Business Review, Randler found that “people whose performance peaks in the morning are better positioned for career success because they’re more proactive than people who are at their best in the evening.”
According to New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned entrepreneur Robin Sharma, “If you study many of the most productive people in the world, they all had one thing in common—they were early risers.”
You’ll anticipate problems and head them off at the pass.
Randler surmised that morning people hold all of the important cards. As a result, they are “better able to anticipate and minimize problems, are proactive, have greater professional success and ultimately make higher wages.”
You’ll plan like a pro.
It’s been said that when we fail to plan, we are planning to fail. That’s even truer when it comes to wealth. Morning people not only have the time to organize, anticipate, and prepare for their day, but they also have time to plan financially. Our sleepy counterparts are reactive, leaving a lot to chance. Aren’t you more stressed when you sleep through your alarm? Getting up with the sun (or before) lets you jump-start your day. While everyone else is running around trying (and failing) to get their day under control, you’ll have a far better shot at staying calm, cool, and collected, following your plan.
You’ll have more energy.
One component of your new Miracle Mornings will be morning exercise, which often is something neglected by…..well, just about everyone. As little as a few minutes of exercise sets a positive tone for the day. Increased blood to the brain will help you think more clearly and focus on what’s most important. Fresh oxygen will permeate every cell in your body and increase your energy, which is why people who exercise are in better moods and shape, get better sleep and become more productive.
You’ll gain early bird attitude advantages.
Recently, researchers at the University of Barcelona in Spain compared morning people—those early birds who like to get up at dawn—with evening people: night owls who prefer to stay up late and sleep in. They found that morning people tend to be more persistent and resistant to fatigue, frustration, and difficulties. That translates into decreased anxiety, depression, substance abuse likelihood, and higher life satisfaction.
The evidence is in, and the experts have had their say: mornings matter—or almost everything. I can tell you from the perspective of someone who’s built wealth that each one of those benefits is an enormous advantage on the journey to becoming a millionaire.
Look at the list:
Proactive problem solving
Daily planning
Higher energy
More positive mood and resilience
Is there a better list of traits needed to become wealthy? I don’t think so.
And every one of them is connected, by research, to mornings. At this point, there should be no doubt that mornings have a certain magical quality. So your burning question should be this:
If mornings are so great, why aren’t we all up early?
All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous in the end.
What makes the great ones great is that they understand that daily discomfort is the price of enduring success.
You have to own your morning and elevate your life.
Elite produces, and everyday heroes understand that what you do each day matters far more than what you do once in a while.
Are you ready to wake up an hour early tomorrow to start your journey to achieving your dream of Financial Freedom?
Wake up early with me,

Read More:
– Unlock the Secrets of Becoming the Best Manager of your Own Money
– Discover the Easiest Money Management Tool that’s Proven to Work
– How to Retire Early Just by Knowing This
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