52-Week Money Saving Challenge for those with Inconsistent Income/Expense

Have you tried those 52-week-money-challenges and failed year after year?


If yes, then, maybe you have inconsistent income and expenses, am I right?  Wherein your income may not become bigger towards the year end  OR your expenses are getting heavier towards December?


Then, those money challenges are not for you.  You will probably fail 90% of the time.  It’s ok to fail.  It’s not about you, it’s about the challenges.


Those money challenges are designed for those people with consistent income or consistent expenses.  They are not designed for you.


But, don’t give up just yet.  I made a very simple money challenge just for you and me.  Since I too have an inconsistent income and expenses throughout the year.  I admit, I also failed using those challenges.


Here are the rules:

  • Not much rules for this challenge, just enjoy crossing out one per week. May not be in chronological order.  Notice that savings are not consistent per week like your income, probably. 


  • If you have a big savings for a certain week, I suggest you cross off the big ticket ones firsts, so when a week comes that you don’t have much, you have the smaller ones to cross off.



Enjoy this Money Challenge.  Make sure you put your GOAL (the reason why you want to succeed in this challenge) above to keep you motivated towards the end.


Download the MyFinanceMD’s MONEY SAVING CHART HERE, (PDF)

or Click the chart images below and save. Then print it out, glue it in your journal or your money safekeeping box.


If you want bigger savings, then print the chart you wanted twice or thrice, depends on your goal and your capability.


Let’s do this challenge!  Let me know who will do this challenge with me.  Share this post for your friends so they can join the fun too.


Everything in life is a choice.  You decide whether the coming year will be prosperous or not. 


Start your year with clarity of your goals so you can choose the perfect choices to prosperity and freedom.


Show the world that you got what it takes.   The world is waiting for you!


Happy New Year!

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Doc Pinky is a licensed Medical Physician, Internationally Registered Financial Consultant, Certified Investment Solicitor and Associate Wealth Planner and Estate Planner of the Philippines. She loves to educate and spread financial literacy. She is a Lactation Consultant. She loves to travel. She is a devoted wife and mother.

4 thoughts on “52-Week Money Saving Challenge for those with Inconsistent Income/Expense


    Thanks Dr. Pinky for this. Big help indeed!

  2. I will be starting this.

  3. […] email notifications so I am updated with her posts. By the start of the year, I saw her blog titled “52-Week Money Saving Challenge For Those With Inconsistent Income-Expense” which came just in time because I needed motivation to save. I forced my boyfriend to save with me […]

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